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  • mossilvas


Wow another good but extremely packed day.  I have been at it for 12 hours, came in early to tidy up my studio for the GSS visit.  Our artist in residence, Jennifer Doyle read from her book and talked about her personal experience with being stalked.   It was interesting and triggering and reminded me of a personal experience, not fully processed.  After listening to the lecture I realized how my time at SAIC has been really spent learning two entirely new mediums and using my knowledge about somatic psychotherapy to be the subject matter of the work.  I have not processed my personal experiences, something I would most certainly have done in the past.  I have sort of kept my container closed.  I think it was a good choice but comes with a loss.  I have a new intention to turn my attention more toward the two areas I have been avoiding, and remain unnamed for now.

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