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Several years ago I began a practice of what I call embodied touch drawing. I put my left hand on my body, close my eyes and with the right hand draw what I see, feel, experience in the tissues, blood and bone. The past two years I have focused on my heart, a daily 10 minute, eyes closed drawing of the physical and sometimes imaginal experience of myheart. The drawings document a present moment and reflect something beyond what my ego driven mind can produce. I have a goal to do a daily drawing until this process feels complete. I am learning so much. I have made hundreds so far. What I find really fascinating right now is the way I feel my body unwinding. There are tears, yawning, mouth grimacing, stretching wide open, eyes rolling, eyes fluttering, and it feels sometimes like something is getting in alignment, something is remembered. I wonder what causes these movements and it feels embryonic at times.

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